Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This blog will be a place for me to upload all of my academic papers I've written while in college earning my Bachelor's of Science. I studied Animal Science, but research papers for my foundation classes may be posted as well. I think collective research should be open to everyone, and while I chose often obscure topics to research, I hope I'll make life a little bit easier for other students and self-powered researchers to find what they are looking for in one convenient place.
Some of my papers were written with the scientific mind of possibly being published, mostly for practice's sake. Most of them, however, are short papers written in just a few weeks using quite basic language.
Everyone is welcome to use me as a source, or to use my sources, my only request is you do not attempt to plagiarize anything you may find on this blog. As a former Teacher's Assistant, I almost always sniffed out plagiarizers - and I promise your teacher aids will as well. Programs such as Grammerly will search the internet to see if any of your text will appear online. If so, most schools will have you expelled. 
I wish you fruitful gain in your search for knowledge, and any questions, comments or disagreements are more than welcome in my comments. Enjoy the blog!
Rachel Counts

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